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A man lives two alternate futures- one as a successful author and one as a happy family man. Flashbacks reveal that he has been living both lives for decades, waiting for the moment at which he will decide which path to take. Watch Predestination Full Movie Download In Hindi Free Online Watch This Movie Now Streaming , Download The Film And Watch It. You can also download Predestination Full Movie and watch it on your devices like iPhone, iPad, Android Phone and Tablet etc. You should never underestimate the power of your subconscious mind since it can help to shape who you become in life. When you first hear the term "Time Travel": Imagine a scene from a science fiction film as it opens on a man as he is sitting at his computer, typing on his keyboard. In this scene, the man is working on a novel that chronicles life as it might be lived in the distant future. He has been writing this book for years and has been thinking about it for decades. When he was nineteen years old and pursuing his degree in English Literature at the local university, he read an article about time travel and decided to write about it using present day knowledge and technology so that his story would be more plausible to readers. The story begins in 2044, just after the first interstellar war. This war was fought by hundreds of spaceships, none of which had any national or cultural identifiers, other than the fact that they were all manned by fully robotic pilots to minimize collateral damage. The humans who had managed to survive this horrific war were to be euthanized by the government because they no longer possessed any values other than those necessary for survival. No one would remember what happened during or after the first interstellar war. Humans had reverted to animals, stooping lower and lower until they succumbed completely to tribalism and violence. The man wakes up from a dream in which he sees a spaceship flying through space, and then just as quickly as it appeared, it is gone. The man types this out on his laptop screen. He stares at the screen for a moment then closes his notebook and gets up from his computer chair. He stands by the window, looking out at the cool blue sky, something that has been rare in our city of San Francisco. As he looks up at the sky he begins to types out a message before walking over to his bathroom and opening the glass shower door. He steps into the shower and pulls the glass door shut. Sitting down on a small grate in front of a rectangular piece of glass that is located above his head, he hears the water begin to run. He adjusts it with an old looking pull knob that sits just above his head inside the shower. As he finishes adjusting the water flow, the vision begins. The man sees himself as a very young boy who has just turned nine years old. He is excited because today is his birthday and before long, he will be receiving presents from his parents and relatives who have traveled from all over California to celebrate with him. He opens his eyes and they stung as sand flies up into them, forcing him to close them again. cfa1e77820